General Information

Full Name Karlie Alinta Noon
Date of Birth 14th August 1990
Nationality Aboriginal Australian (Kamilaroi, Wiradjuri)
Languages English, Kamilaroi


  • Present
    Doctor of Philosophy
    Australian National University, Australia
    • Karlie investigates cold gas in the Galaxy's nuclear wind using telescopes and theoretical modelling.
      • Successfully awarded telescope time on the Institut de Radio Astronomie Millimetrique telescope
      • Principle Investigator for Priority A observations of the Galactic Centre using the MeerKAT telescope
  • 2019
    Masters of Astronomy and Astrophysics (Advanced)
    Australian National University, CSIRO, Australia
    • Karlie's Master's research involved analysing and testing a theoretical model to calculate the distances to high-velocity clouds located in the Milky Way's halo.
      • Awarded the inaugural CSIRO Indigenous Postgraduate Scholarship
      • Thesis received a high distinction
  • 2016
    Combined Bachelor of Mathematics, Bachelor of Science
    University of Newcastle, Australia
    • Majors include pure mathematics and physics.
      • Awarded multiple high distinctions for courses including Mathematical Modelling, Science and Professional Communication, Physics Industrial Project and Working with Aboriginal Communities
      • Successful recipient of the SMART Scholarship and the Science and Engineering Scholarship, which provided essential experience and training in science communication and event assistance


  • 2022-2026
    Indigenous Research Associate
    Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Australian National University
    • Co-lecturer and co-conveyor of ASTR1003, an introductory astronomy course accessible from the ANU and EdX
    • Member of the National Committee for Astronomy, where she reports on community engagement in astronomy at a national level
    • Co-organiser of an annual Indigenous Astronomy Work Experience program at the Research School for Astronomy and Astrophysics
  • 2020-2021
    Astronomy Ambassador
    The Sydney Observatory, Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences
    • Karlie was the inaugural astronomy ambassador for the Sydney Observatory
    • During her role, she engaged >50,000 people around the world across multiple live streams, in-person sky tours and speaking events
  • 2019-2021
    Indigenous Heritage Officer
    The Department of the Agriculture, Water and Environment, Australian Government
    • Karlie was the lead officer for the Governmental Response to the Destruction of Juukan Gorge
    • Co-assessor for the successful listing of the Parkes Radio Telescope (Murriyang) on the National Heritage List
    • Responible for updating and redesigning the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act (1984) standard operating procedures
  • 2016-2017
    Project Officer
    CSIRO Indigenous STEM Project
    • Project manager of the Inaugural Indigenous STEM Awards
    • Cultural mentor for Indigenous STEM camps
    • Part-time research assistant for the monitoring and evaluation of the Project
      • Lead the successful implimentation on the inaugural Indigenous STEM Awards
      • Received multiple ethics approvals to conduct monitoring and evaluation
  • 2011-2016
    Administration Assistant
    SMART program, University of Newcastle, Australia
    • Karlie presented science shows to over 100,000 students from remote Aboriginal communities and low socio-economic status areas across a duration of 6 years
    • Managed and trained 20 presenters
    • Co-hosted Australia's first Cafe Scientifique
    • Developed teaching materials for the University of Newcastle's second year science communication course


    • Karlie has a wide-range of experience in leading national programs and international research collaborations and is recognized as a leader and trailblazer for Indigenous excellence and advocacy, with impact spanning her ancestral regions of the Kamilaroi and Wiradjuri Nations, nationally and internationally.
    • Appointed Indigenous consultant to the National Committee for Astronomy, Karlie spearheaded the integration of Indigenous inclusion within the Decadal Plan for Astronomy 2025-2035.
    • She lead the integration of Indigenous astronomy within a first year astonomy course at the ANU’s Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics.
    • Led the publication of First Knowledges Astronomy – Sky Country, facilitating comprehensive community consultation, research, writing and editing.
    • Helped secure $25 million for CSIRO to establish and manage the Indigenous Girls' STEM Academy.

Notable Projects

  • 2024
    • Karlie gave her first Ted Talk as apart of the annual TedX Canberra event where she spoke about Inidgenous-led astro-environmentalism and the coloniality of the modern space industry
  • 2023
    Cultural consultant to Bangarra Dance Company
    • Karlie was a cultural consultant on Indigenous sky knowledge for Bangarra's most recent performance, Yuldea
  • 2018-2023
    Co-Investigator on the First Inventors
    • Working alongside Australian producer Margee Brown since 2018, Karlie assisted in the crafting of a new television series looking at the notable inventions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. In 2020, Channel 10 and NITV agreed to the pitch, and began filming in 2022. Karlie acted as a co-investigator, consultant and writer for the show. The First Inventors aired in July 2023 and can be accessed via 10Play.
  • 2020-2022
    Co-author of First Knowledges, Astronomy, Sky Country
    • Partnered with the National Museum, publishers Thames and Hudson, co-author and Kamilaroi woman Krystal De Napoli, and editor Dr Alice Gorman, the award-winning Sky Country was published in 2022 as part of the First Knowledges series. The series explores different facets of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture, knowledge and values. Sky Country offers readers an in-depth look at Indigenous astronomy. The authors explore practical knowledge embedded in Indigenous Songlines and stories and consider current issues with the protection and continuation of this ancient knowledge.

Honors and Awards

Conference Presentations

  • 2024
    • As apart of the Cosmic Ecosystems in Radio & Optical conference held in Busselton, Western Australia, Karlie presented on her most recent PhD work which using modelling to explore chemical phase transitions in the Milky Way's nuclear wind.
  • 2024
    • Karlie was invited to the Dhuluny conference held in Bathurst commemorating the 200th year anniversary since martial law was declared on the Wiradyuri nation. Karlie presented on what would have been visible in the sky during this time.
  • 2023
    • Karlie was invited to speak at the 2023 Asteroids, Comets and Meteors conferencein Flagstaff, Arizona, USA. She presented her research on safeguarding Indigenous sky rights from colonial exploitation.
  • 2023
    Interstellar Institute
    • Presenting her first paper of her PhD, Karlie attended the 2023 Interstellar Institute in Paris, France.

Academic Interests

  • Cold clouds in the Milky Way wind

    • Using radio and submillimeter observations and theory, Karlie probes the evolution of atomic and molecular clouds entrained in the Milky Way's nuclear wind, with particular interest in the non-equilibrium chemistry of these clouds.
  • Indigenous sky knowledge

    • Karlie researchers, embeddes and shares the astronomical knowledge of Indigenous peoples, Songlines and culture.
  • Dark skies

    • Karlie investigates and advocates for dark sky preservation and Indigenous-led astro-environmentalism.